Tuesday 23 March 2010

Research Recycling

Find out more about recycling.

What recycling do we already do..
A) At Home?
B) In School?
What could we do better?
Why is recycling important?
TBs for answers published


  1. At home and school you can recycle platic, battries,glass,phones,paper,mental,paint,oil, building material,wood,printers and vehicles.
    If we recyckle more we will save the plantet from junk.

  2. if we use alot of rubbish we could recycle it.
    because if we do not recycle rubbish it would be very bad.
    green bin:plastic,cereal boxes
    blue bin:rappers,plastic bag
    brown bin:grass and flowers

  3. 1a)At home I recycle paper that I have used, I recycle fruit skins, old flowers and grass trimmings in the compost bin.I reuse bags that I have already used and I recycle glass to.
    1b)In school we recycle fruit skins.We also recycle.We also recycle paper. One way we recycle paper is using the back paper we have already used.The teachers recycle the ink cartridges in the computer to.
    2)We could do better in school by using reusable bottles of water in fruit tuck and at discos.

  4. At home,

    blue bin: I recycle at home chocolate rappers,chip bags.

    green bin: I recycle paper, milk bottles cereal boxes

    brown bin: I recycle grass, weeds, twigs, dead apples

    At school,

    composs bin: fruit skins, apple cores.

  5. Rachel's home recycling.

    BROWN BIN: I recycle grass, hedge cuttings, dead plants, weeds and fruit and veg leftovers.

    GREEN BIN: I recycle paper, milk cartons, cereal boxes and cardboard.

    Amber's home recycling.

    BROWN BIN: I recycle dead plants, grass, fruit and veg leftovers and weeds.

    GREEN BIN: I recycle paper, cardboard, cereal boxes and milk cartons.

    In school.

    PAPER BIN:We recycle paper and cardboard.

    COMPOST BIN:We recycle leftover fruits.

  6. Bethany and Lauren23 March 2010 at 07:48

    Don't throw out anying that can be recycled.

    I throw cearlboxes,milk cartens and plastic bottles in the paper bin.
    I throw grass,weeds,sticks and dead plants.

  7. At home I use lots of recycling equipment and at school i use lots too.

  8. Recycling is an important factor
