Friday 18 December 2009

To keep your brain active over the hols!!

Riddles and Teasers

1. The two verbs in this sentence are in the past tense. What else do they have in common?
"Yesterday, I read the entire book as the wind blew fiercely outside."
2. What is the difference between the letters above the line and the letters below it?


3. Start with the word WINTER. What one letter could you take out to form a new word? Can you continue until you have just a one-letter word left?
4. Ted Stin loves his work. Part of his job is to look for holes and fill them in. Rearrange the letters in his name to find out his job.
5. How can you make this string of numbers total 236 without adding any other numbers?
68 + 99 + 18
6. Name six animals that inhabit the Arctic region.
7. Which month has twenty-eight days?
8. If a rooster laid an egg on the top of a hill, which side would the egg roll down?
9. What animal can jump higher than a house?
10 . I have feathers to help me fly. I have a body and head, but I'm not alive. It's your strength that determines how far I go. You can hold me in your hand, but I'm never thrown. What am I?
11. I have arms, legs and a back, but I never walk anywhere. What am I?
12. What never speaks, but always tell the truth?
13. Name three numbers that give the same result when all added or multiplied together.
14. What has no legs, but walks all day on its head, and never gets a headache.
15. The more you take, the more you leave behind. What are they?
16. Name it and you will break it. What is it?

Have fun! TBs for all correct answers

Thursday 17 December 2009


Wishing everyone in P6 a

Very Merry Christmas

and a

Happy New Year

Tuesday 15 December 2009

Christmas Crackers

If you are stuck for something to do over the holidays then click on the link below. It has quite a few good ideas to keep you busy. Have fun!!

Wednesday 2 December 2009

Be in a Christmas Story

Create a silly Christmas story,starring YOU!
Check out the link below and enjoy

TBs for anyone who manages to copy and paste their story in a comment