Wednesday 24 February 2010

Researching Animals

In World Around Us we will be finding out more about animals that live
in rainforests, polar regions and deserts.

Use a link below to start researching your chosen animals


  1. Keel-billed Toucan

    The keel-billed toucan has green skin around the eyes and black fathersand has a yellow head and chest with a red border. they have a rainbow coloured bill and has a red undertail converts. lridescent blue feet.

  2. The Artic Fox
    The Arctic fox is a furry mammal that lives in the far north, in the Artic Circle and coastal areas of North America, Iceland, Greenland, Scandinavia, and Siberia. The Arctic fox is found farther north than any other land mammal. A male Artic fox is called a reynard, the female is called a vixen, and the baby is called a kit. A group of foxes is called a skulk or a leash. The fur of the Arctic fox is white during the winter and gray-brown in the summer.This is the foxes camouflage. The foxes long, bushy tail, sometimes called a sweep.Foxes have sharp claws, sharp teeth, and thick fur. The small size of the Arctic fox's ears keeps in heat.Foxes eat small mammals eggs, birds, insects and fish. Artic foxes sometimes follow polar bears so they can feed feed on the remains of its kills.
    The lemming is a small, mouse-like animal that feeds on plants,moss and grass. Foxes, snowy owls, weasels, gyrfalcons, and jaegers feed on lemming. Lemming are mammals and only live up to two years in the wild.There are about twelve lemming species in the world.Lemmings make paths through the grass, under roots or under snow, called runways. They use these runways for shelter and for finding food.
