In school we have been enjoying a 'follow on' game using decimals, fractions and mixed numbers. Click on this decimal link and test yourself.
Type in a fraction and try to work out what it would be as a decimal.
See how many you can get right.
Have fun!!
i played the decimal game it was great!
ReplyDeletehi i played this game but im not very good at it
ReplyDeletei love this game its class
ReplyDeletehi, I think im better at this now i got my granda to do some sums with me
ReplyDeletethis really helped me with my decimals and I enjoyed it!!!!
ReplyDeletei played this it helped me with decimals
ReplyDeletehello i played the decimal game it was funny
ReplyDeletethe decimal game was easy
ReplyDeleteIt really help me and it was fun.
ReplyDeletehello i played the decimal link it was very good
ReplyDeletehelo the decimal game is cool
ReplyDeletethe decimal link helped me alot at decimals
ReplyDeletethe decimal link is amazing
ReplyDeletethis really helped me
ReplyDeletethe decimal link is so funny,and awesome
ReplyDeletethe decimal game was good!
ReplyDeletehello i like it
ReplyDeletei liked the decimal game
ReplyDeleteoh oh i have just played decimals fun its very good its getting easy for me because i am starting to understand better !!!!!!!!!!!!!!