This week we have been investigating words with the 'oy' sound in them.
The short story below has words with this sound.
Try to write your own short story or sentences and include as many 'oy' sound words as you can.
Remember there is more than one way to make the 'oy' sound. Make sure you not only pay attention to spelling but also to the punctuation in your story.
TBs for those published.
Royston the Noisy Snake
Royston was, by all accounts, a very noisy snake. His friends would say, ‘The idea of being a snake is so you can hoist yourself up into a tree and silently coil yourself round a branch and then drop down on your prey without them even knowing you are there.’
Alas poor Royston couldn’t stay quiet for long enough to do this. One day his friends took him aside and explained he had choices to make. Either he was going to be the annoying, poisonous, noiseless, destroyer that he was meant to be or they would employ sterner measures to get him to conform. Needless to say sterner measures could not be avoided. Royston’s friends sent him on a voyage of discovery. His most loyal friend, Lloyd went with him and introduced him to the android on the hill, who, happened to have an ointment for noisiness.
A couple of applications later Royston was less noisy and actually started to enjoy slithering around, silently creeping and toiling up on his prey as a snake should do.