Tuesday 4 May 2010

'ture, sure' sound challenge

This week we have been studying the 'ture, sure' sound.
Try to write a myth that includes the following words:


TBs for any story published.


  1. Once there were ten pirates who wanted to go on an adventure. Their feature of the adventure was to find treasure on an undiscovered island. They hoped they did not have to go through torture to find the treasure. On the day of their departure their families were crying so they had to assure them that they would be OK. When they were in the boat a vulture started flying above them but then flew away to a mountian.On the island they found a weird monster.Two men distracted the monster while the others climbed up him and shot him. They had to capture him to take him back to show scientists. They then found the treasure and had a happy life.


    A pirate called Jack was going to have a great adventure. He was sailing on the great ocean to a secret island called Fire island, where a giant sea creature lived in the caves in the bay. After sailing for a week he was near the island where the deadly sea creeature lived. Jack knew he had to capture the creature before he could get onto the island. But there was no sign of it so he turned around and still nothing. Then the sea creature came up and Jack shot the sea creature in the eye and the creature died. So Jack was safe to go on the island to collect the treasure. There was so much treasure Jacks eyes nearly popped out of his head!!!! THE END!!!

  3. I was sent on a mission to capture the beast.I went to the boat and set sail, it took me 1 hour 30 mins to get there. It was an exciting adventure as we looked for the buried treasure and the beast. When we arrived we saw the gigantic creature. It came towards me with its evil eyes and huge claws. I took my sword and lunged at it, I stabbed him in the chest, he fell to the ground with a big thump and was never seen again. I then lifted the treasure and headed towards the ship and set sail for home.

  4. I went on a adventure I saw a creature when I got to a hill I founded some treasure.

  5. The Island Of Adventure
    The childen sailed to the Island of Adventure.
    Their plan was to capture the smugglers who were taking the treasure.On their way they saw a sea creature.It knocked the smugglers out of their boat and the childen rescued the treasure.


  6. Once upon a time there was a creature called the dinosnake and it guarded the treasuse of avalon.The king ordered his men to capture the beast,they all failed,then after a few years a boy went on an adventure,he found a sword and killed the beast with it.

  7. Rachel*Walker*********5 May 2010 at 11:04

    Jaki Chan was on a mission to bring the treasure of Downtown Castle back to the castle. He travelled on his horse called Flame at galloping speed. Soon he found out who the villain was and one night he broke into the villains hideout, but the villains had set a trap and Jaki Chan was caught! He was trapped! Now that he was captured he couldn't return the treasure to the castle. Then one night there was an earthquake. The roof broke off, he grabbed the treasure and ran away. He untied Flame from a post and then he galloped away on the beautiful creature. After travelling at high speed he arrived at Downtown Castle and return the treasure to its rightful owner. What an ADVENTURE !!

  8. Once there was a a girl called Emily,she always went on an adventure somewhere. She liked adventures that you would capture creature's and also find treasure.one day she went on an adventure to an island to find treasure but had to pass a creature to get the treasure.So she went past the monster,got her sword,hit him a whack with the sword and the monster died because the sword hit his heart.She got her treasure and went on doing adventures from then on........
    ..THE END...

  9. I went around the world having adventure i met somewon his name was james he was imature to me.
    And then he captured me in school the treasure told him of.
    I was looking at a creature and james killed it.
    I moved school i met a new friend he was called luke Nelson he was nice to me he asked me to come to the park and play football.

  10. Pirate Island.
    One day there was a boy called James who loved to dress up as a pirate.His mum was tortured with all the pirate stuff.James wanted to go on an adventure to find some treasure.So the next day he dressed up as a pirate,got his parrot and made his own adventure trail in his bedroom.He named it Pirate Island.His parrot said to him,"Well lets get started."So they started on their adventure and on the way there they seen all different kinds of animals."Shh!I can hear something coming,"said James.Then they turned around and saw this weird creature.They didn't know the name of this creature but it looked kind of scary.So they had to tip toe around it and soon they carried on with the adventure."I can't wait to find the treasure,"said James.They walked deeper into Pirate Island.Just then James said,"Yum a piece of chocolate."James lifted it up and the trap door opened."Ahhhh!,"said the parrot.BANG!They landed on something weird but kind of hard."We're captured,how do we get out of here?,"said the parrot.Then James remembered the rope."Come on,"said James.Then the parrot and James said,"Hooray!We're saved."Look over there,"said James."The treasure,"said the parrot.They quickly ran over to it."WOW!,"they said.The treasure was chocolate coins that James had stolen out of the fridge."James,"said mum."Where is all the chocolate coins?"she shouted."Oh no!,"said James.

  11. One day I went on an adventure to Spain. A feature of the trip was to visit an old pirate ship and we found a map and treasure chest. I looked inside and saw the treasure but then came a vulture and I closed it very quickly. I had to capture it before it took off with the treasure. I can reassure you that the size of the creature I found on my trip led to my departure.
