Tuesday 19 January 2010

'se' / 'ce' sound words

In phonics we have been studying the 'se' / 'ce' sound.
Try to write a short story using as many 'se' / 'ce' sound words as you can.
Remember this sound can be made in a number of ways 's', 'ss', 'se', 'c', 'ce', 'sc' and 'st'.
Use each way as many times as you can.
This week's word list will help you.

Post your story as a comment.
TBs for those published


  1. One time there was a man that was in stress.All you can see on the ceiling were knifes.He put metal in his cereal and on the streets he used force.He announced that he would take away their children if they would not give enough money but one day his best friend bill was helping the police and he whistled to get his atenion when the police were coming then they caught him.

  2. My sister took my casserole but I still made do with another food. Then one week later I went to the science fair and won with my invention.

  3. When I was driving from my castle to get the groceries I looked at the scenery, it was spotless. I noticed the cylinder making a funny sound, so I checked the chassis and applied force. I then collected cereal for my recipe and got ingredients for my casserole, it was a difficult choice. I then got restless so decided to ascend home.

  4. Tess went skating in the ice rink. she chose to stand on the slippy ice for a short time before scooting off sleadily with her friend Ross.

  5. Natasha McCready20 January 2010 at 09:06

    In the morning I have the choice between cereal or toast. When my mum buys groceries she always gets my favourite cereal - cornflakes. Sometimes I go shopping too and use a recipe to buy ingredients for a casserole. I like to impress my family by making dinner but it can be quite stressful. I have to leave the kitchen spotless afterwards. Following a recipe is a bit like a science or chemistry experiment.

  6. Once there was a princess called Silvia and she lived in a castle and had lovely dresses and she liked to eat sauseges so she would have them for her tea every night.she had ponies,called sasha sophie and stephinie she had lots of them and every day she would brush them and then she would go in and play with her toys and while she was playing she saw her brothers toy snake and said, "EWW" so she threw it away, so she went to get her tea and she ate SAUSAGES! for her tea and thats the end of the princess Silvia.

    THE END.

    One day it was a sunny day and on the t.v. on the news a man said "the last golden cylinder temple." "Sorry news watchers about that we offer you people £1,000 if you find the golden last cylinder and did I say you get a limo too!" announced the news reporter. "COOL I will do that and I will become a millonare and I hope I made the right choice", said Kercum. "Hi Kercum" said Peter and Mutt. "I'm going to find the last golden cylinder!" said Kercum. "Ahhhh my foot help" yeld ???? "Who was that" said everyone. we went to see who it was when ? "Oh hi Kercum, Peter and Mutt I got a thistle stuck in my foot!" shouted Ryan "Come with us so we can find the cylinder temple!" said Peter. "Ok but only if I can get my groceries!" said Ryan. "Ok" said Kercum "well...ok," shouted Peter. "Sure" shouted Mutt. To be continued on 27/01/10 will they make it to the cylinder temple? Tell Kercum

  8. The restless princess

    Once upon a time there was a rest less princess who lived in a castle.One day she made up a scheme to make a casserole.She decided she would descend down the steps to the kitchen where there was a large choice of food.She was determinded to make the best casserole in the world.When she was in her room she looked out the window and saw the most beautiful thistle she had ever saw it looked like a piece of scenery.She went to the shops and bought some groceries to go wity her casserole she was in so much stress that she frogot to check if the food was spotless.When she got home she made the casserole and thought it was perfect.

  9. Once upon a time there was a castle high up on a hill.The castle was shaped liked a cylinder and beside the castle was a bunch of thistles.The castle was closed for two years until a man came into town to announce that the castle was opening again.While that was being announced I was shopping for my groceries.The next day my alarm went off in the morning,it sounded a bit like a whistle.So that day I decided to visit the castle.When I went there the place had a lot of scenery,it was so cool.The castle was spotless and it was glowing.There was a screen that said the castle was for sale.So I looked everywhere in the castle and I went to the person who was standing at the screen.I asked him if I could buy the castle and he said "yes",so I took the castle and lived happily ever after.

  10. There was a hiss from the street.We could see smoke coming from the ice cream place.A cat was hissing at the fire and we could see melted ice cream seeping under the front door.The cars coming down the street had to stop and wait for the fire engine to get in place.

  11. Once there was a mad scientiest called Dr What. He lived in a castle. He had a chemistry lab were he done science experiments.In his lab there were cylinders with gas in them and then they all exploded and the gas went all over the ceiling.
    Then he was stressed out.But in seconds the place was spotless.

  12. A restless old man, who lived in a castle, was waiting for his groceries to arrive to put them into his spotless kitchen. He watched as the delivery man began to ascend the steep hill to his castle. At last he could complete his recipe,a delicious casserole. "AHHHH," he said as he rested on a cereal box, "No more stress."
