Here are some puzzles for you to try. Some of them are hard but try your best.
See how many you can get right.
Enjoy your half-term holiday!!
Puzzle 1
You have the misfortune to own an unreliable clock. This one loses exactly 20 minutes every hour. It is now showing 8.00am and you know that is was correct at midnight, when you set it. The clock stopped 10 hours ago, what is the correct time now?
Puzzle 2
Recently, Snow White's seven dwarfs met up with three of their friends and went to the cinema to see Bambi. From the clues below, can you determine the order in which they stood in the ticket queue?
Grumpy was in front of Dopey. Stumpy was behind Sneezy and Doc. Doc was in front of Droopy and Happy. Sleepy was behind Stumpy, Smelly and Happy. Happy was in front of Sleepy, Smelly and Bashful. Bashful was behind Smelly, Droopy and Sleepy. Sneezy was in front of Dopey. Smelly was in front of Grumpy, Stumpy and Sneezy. Dopey was in front of Droopy. Sleepy was in front of Grumpy and Bashful. Dopey was behind Sneezy, Doc and Sleepy. Stumpy was in front of Dopey. Smelly was behind Doc.
Puzzle 3
Change the position of just one of the words below so that all the words are in an alphabetical sequence:
llama phoenix hyena alligator beaver elephant tortoise antelope
llama phoenix hyena alligator beaver elephant tortoise antelope
Puzzle 4
What is the first letter of this sequence?
___ T T F F S S E N T E T T F F S S E N T
10TB to the third correct answer for each puzzle